...everything I thought it could be and more.

Recently I dyed some yarn with food coloring. You can read all about the process here in Turquoise Dreams. I searched high and low for a project that would really show off the gradient colors. A shawl made the most sense but I already have a turquoise shawl. And I'm currently knitting a dark blue one. Too much of a good thing. My friend Angie had made this cowl that I found stunning. It changes stitch patterns so you don't get bored easily. Perfect!

Name: Turquoise Dreams
Yarn: Art Yarns Ultramerino 4
Weight: fingering
Pattern: Eternity Scarf by Michele Wang
Modifications: I wanted to be able to see the color gradients so instead of knitting straight stockinette stitch, I used seed stitch instead.
Gorgeous! can't wait to see it on you